2000 Starbucks Workers Strike | Baristas On Strike Against Starbucks For No In Good Faith Terms

Starbucks Workers Strike
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Baristas On Strike Against Starbucks For No In Good Faith Terms | Starbucks Workers Strike

Starbucks Workers Strike
Image Sourde :Hindustan News Hub

Unionize baristas from Starbucks on strike on Red Cup Day. Starbucks staff is unionizing themselves against the understaffing, inconsistent scheduling, and rewarding pay scale.
100 stores out of 9000 stores in the United States across half of the provinces take part in the strike.

The selection of the annual Red Cup Day for this strike also puts pressure on Starbucks.
However, Starbucks’ response to the strike is surprising.

They started to respect the employee’s decision and termed it as their appropriate right.
Employees said that they are doing this event in a lawful manner and they are making requests to the customer not to buy drinks today.

Starbucks Workers Strike

And handling them very popular red cups. They are trying to send uncompromising signals to the top level.Starbucks has a company event to distribute free red cups on one day annually. This annual event is called Red Cup Day.

Union members also complain that the company is taking every step very slowly and speed of the negotiations is not at par. The strike put pressure to speed up the proceedings. Previously workers organize many times but the company was not agreed to the terms of the union was stating. Starbucks Workers Strike

Many Starbucks customers are also supporting the strike organized by the employees. They do want to regret in future to spoil the days of employees. Ultimately these are the employees whose work is earning millions of dollars for the company.

The only consolation for Starbucks is that this is a day strike. However, the news is big and the outcome will affect the image of this coffee chain giant.

This is the time when news travel at lightning speed. The share price can also drop if this situation persists for more days or if Starbucks fail to address this problem of their proud employees.
Starbucks was founded by Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegl, and Gordon Bowker in the year 1971. Starbucks Workers Strike

Till 1986 the company was operating its outlet only in Seattle. In 1987 the first outlet outside Seattle was opened in Vancouver and Chicago. The number of Starbucks stores rosed to 46 till 1989.
Today the company has 383000 employees and its head office is situated in Seattle, Washington.

Starbucks is a coffee retailer. It deals in roasts and markets specialty coffee and also offers blend drinks and merchandise.
The company has not become a truly multinational entity and now have operation spanning in the Middle East, Africa, Europe, America, and the Asia-Pacific.

The market cap of the Company is approximately 111 B American Dollars and Revenue is expected to rise to 33 billion American Dollars. Starbucks Workers Strike.The other competitors of the company are McDonald, s and Yum Brands Inc.

Teavana, La Boulange, Seattle Coffee, and Ethos Water are the companies belonging to StarBucks Inc.
Starbucks has many hidden attributes that are not get deserved appreciation. Starbucks is looking to support Agrarian communities.

They are running some programs to strengthen economic and social development. The company also provides economic and social help in south American countries. Around two hundred thousand farmers from Costa Rica is part of this community.

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Image Source : Aljazeera

Starbucks is usually rated as the best company to pay the price of coffee beans. Starbucks Workers Strike

Contrary to the above-said things the company faces many negative remarks from the people to support the use of child labor in coffee farms.

But we can also put it in different words. The people in western Europe and North America are more sensitive to the use of child labor in coffee farms. However, for the community who is sustaining their life below the 3 dollars income per day.

For them, this is a tough life to fulfill their financial need, and the laws of those countries are also not very strict and no case can be filed against the children who are working in their family-run coffee farms. Starbucks Workers Strike

This kind of example can also be seen in the countries like India and south Asian countries. Where this is very common for children to help their parents at an early age.

Similarly, the social structure of southern America is different from the rich world. Children work in farms and other shops to provide financial means to their poor families.
Things also get under scanner when a few farms of coffee were found in very worse conditions for the workers. Starbucks Workers Strike

These conditions were called slavery-like. In Guatemalan farms children below the age of 14 were found to be working in an unsanitary environment.

Starbucks is under immense pressure so this can be presumed that the company showing dramatic data but the conditions on the ground is not satisfactory.
Mcdonald’s which is a big competitor of Starbucks also comes under criticism on several occasions. Starbucks Workers Strike

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Image Source : Google Images

In the early century, Lawsuits were filed against the company for spreading global obesity.
McDonald’s is also considered unhealthy in many ways. Their menu is full of fried items and heavy hamburgers which usually consider meat as their content.

To satisfy health freaks and find a market among the vegan’s company eventually added many vegan items in the menu. In India, almost half of the menu consists of vegetarian and vegan items.

This is also the reason of success in a vegetarian country like India. McDonald’s is also prevented to use preservatives in its products.
The number of challenges for Starbucks is ever-increasing.

The threat of external competition cannot be undermined. Dunkin Donuts is enhanced its coffee quality and established more stores across the country. McDonald’s with them establishing food chain stores are always an advantage. Starbucks Workers Strike

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Image Source : Google Images

Tim Hortons is an established competitor in the Canadian region.
The only advantage for Starbucks is its brand image. People around the globe are pretty aware of its brand image.

It is a known brand in countries where it was not even available just 3 years ago.

So, the presence of the red cup on social media, and the presence of the Starbucks logo on the images of the social influencers make it the big giant among the biggest food chain companies. Starbucks Workers Strike

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