Joe Biden Says 1 Missile That Hit Poland MayBe Was Fired By Russia

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Joe Biden Says Missile That Hit Poland MayBe Was Fired By Russia

Joe Biden
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President Joe Biden said that the missile strike on the territories of the Poland on yesterday was not done by Russia and some world leaders on the continent rushed to find out the answers about the incident that could prove one of the most important moments in Russia’s nine-month war on Ukraine.

Biden also said that after an emergency meeting with other G-7 and NATO leaders on the sidelines of the G-20 summit in Bali, Indonesia and we are trying to find out what exactly happened on Tuesday. He also said that prime facie information suggests that the missile which landed on the border of Poland with Ukraine is unlikely to be fired by Russia.joe Biden

He also added that we would help Poland in investigation and finding out the truth. The explosion struck the residential buildings of the state and Stwo people died in this incident and Ukrainian government accuses the Moscow for the attack As details remained officials were aware in their comments given in the spike. A Russian strike on NATO territory could trigger a military reaction from the United states and rest of the NATO members. A shower of telephone calls between the world leaders after some times from the first reports brought and and emergency meetings were held about how to answer.


Joe Biden Says Missile That Hit Poland MayBe Was Fired By Russia

A NATO spokesman said Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg will held an emergency meeting in Brussels to discuss the attack incident with the alliance ambassadors. according to a statement said earlier tuesday by poland’s foreign ministry,

Zbigniew Rau Foreign Minister summoned the Russian ambassdors for their immediate expalanation over the missile as they confirmed that it had a Russian made. Joe Biden calls an emergency conference in Bali The moves got here as international leaders had been gathered in Bali for the G-20 summit. There is initial records that contests that,

Joe Biden said. I dont need to mention that till we absolutely investigate it. But it is not likely That it changed into fired from Russia, Joe Biden said, mentioning the trajectory. Does every person significantly assume that the Kremlin clearly desires peace? The powergrid has been damaged By This Missile.

Before the latest attack, the capital was without power for hours every day. In protecting key government and military facilities, Ukraines limited air defenses have proven to be more effective than expected. The recent russian campaign has made it difficult for the Ukranian government to protect all of them.

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Russia fired about 100+ missiles Says By Ukraine Official

Russia fired about 100 missiles at Ukraine over the course of several hours, according to the air force

Russia fired about 100 missiles at Ukraine over the course of several hours, according to the air force.The attacks came a day after the UN General Assembly approved a resolution saying Russia should be held accountable for the war its waged in Ukraine.
Half of Kyiv loses His power Jake Sullivan, Bidens national security adviser, said the United States strongly condemns Russias missile attacks against Ukraine.


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