How To Make Freeze Dried Candy : Freeze Dried Candy

How To Make Freeze Dried Candy
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In today’s article, we will tell you How To Make Freeze Dried Candy At Home. Freeze dried candy is called that candy which is first freeze and then dried by keeping it in a vacuum chamber. By doing this, all the moisture is lost from that candy and it becomes very crispy. After drying, some people use this freeze candy in breakfast and some people even use it with ice cream.This freeze candy is very tasty to eat. Today we are going to tell you in this article how you can freeze any type of candy and dry it and use it later.

How To Make Freeze Dried Candy

How To Make Freeze Dried Candy
How To Make Freeze Dried Candy

there are many ways to make candies. one of then is freeze dry candies, which can be store for long period.first What is freeze drying candies ? It is method of preservation which extract the moisture and liquid
from food and can be stored for long term even up to 20 years with the same taste like fresh you are eating. many food items
are used to be preserved for increasing its life,but in this Article we will discuiss the freeze drying

freeze dried candies can be taken in go bad while traveling for instant enery and for change the taste of mouth.
It has useful for people living in disaster prone locality. after the drying process it makes candies more crunchier and delicious.

childtren as well as adult love these candies.

How To Make Freeze Dried Candy
How To Make Freeze Dried Candy

Methods of making freeze dried candies

There are two ways ro make dried freeze candies. first is by using machine and second is manual
To make freezr dry candies you need freeze dryind machine, if you can’t afford this machine because it is costly and
about $2000, it can be make without this machine with the same result.
In the manual method prepare small chunks of your candies and and do pre freezing in your home freezer for 24 hours, then place all the candies in a tray
in a sealed bag and make sure there some space between and also make sure that air is passing through all sides for drying .
now place them for 25-30 hours inside cooler. in this process all the bag should be cover completely with dry ice.
after this process your dries freeze candies are ready and you can store it for long period. Manual process
is a fun experiment you can try with your family member at the weekend.

How To Make Freeze Dried Candy
How To Make Freeze Dried Candy

You can also make freeze dry candy with freeze dryer machine and you need these things to make it.

  • To freeze your candy, place it on some sort of tray in the dryer machine. Leave some space between the pieces of candy to allow air to pass through, so that air will pass through it.
  • Switch on the freeze dryer machine and set the temperature as per the manufacturer’s instructions and also note down the time for which it is to be kept. The freeze dryer machine will first freeze that stored candy and then reduce the pressure to create a vacuum
  • This will remove all the water from the candy and after the given time the candy will be completely dry and crisp.
  • When the work of freeze-drying is completed, remove the trays from the freeze dryer machine and keep them to cool completely.
  • You can then store your frozen candy in an airtight container or bag at room temperature for up to 12 months.

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