FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 : Can Qatar Change Its Image

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FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022: Can Qatar Change Its Image

Fifa Qatar World Cup 2022 (1)
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The FIFA world cup is going on at its own pace in Qatar. A few matches have been played and plenty to come in upcoming weeks. The Qatar world cup is the first instance when matches are being played in the winter in an Arabian Peninsula country.

FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022: Can Qatar Change Its Image

Many controversies had been part of this FIFA world cup. These controversial issues can be considered one by one. Firstly, a great deal of time has been given to the issues of migrant workers. The workers died at a pace of almost one per day during the construction of the FIFA world cup venue. The workers face a great deal of abuse and exploitation in Qatar. This kind of exploitation and abuse of human beings is not acceptable to many people from the West, and they do not want to become part of this cruel FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022.

The accusations are also very serious. The passport of the workers was confiscated to stop them to go to any other country. The conditions of the work were so brutal that many workers run to find refuge in their related embassies. Even water was not provided to the workers. The scale of this slavery was so big that almost twenty million people were affected by these brutal conditions of work.FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022

The Arabian world come under the scanner of the western media when rights of the women in Iran get a different turn this summer. A woman gets killed by the police due to some issue with the outfit of a young teen. The international attention was not a good thing for the Qatar world cup.FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022

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The anti-hijab protest in Iran puts the Qatar administration under the light for the world cup rules for women. This is not hidden that Arabian Peninsula countries are not considered the best place for woman citizens. The normal rights which are considered equal for human beings are not given to women in the countries like Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and UAE.

There is a common opinion that women will be discriminated against in Qatar. The country has been accused to promote women’s modesty as most women in this country wear Hijab to come out of their houses.FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022

A suggestion has been made by the Qatari local organizing committee that fans should respect the local culture. Many believed to keep caution in selecting outfits to go in public places. The women need to cover their shoulders to walk out in public places.

Qatar does not easily allow a women’s organization in the country. There is currently no independent women’s organization. It could harm their interest, and they have no one to listen to their voice. However, the people are usually safe in the county.FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022

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Israel is also concerned about its citizen’s presence in the world cup. The country of Qatar and Israel do not establish diplomatic relations yet. In this condition, Israeli authorities have urged fans to keep a low profile in Qatar. There will be the presence of people from Iran and other not-friendly countries. Israel’s urge to its citizen is taken as a serious warning to the fans.

Fifa Qatar World Cup 2022 (1)
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The foreign ministry has launched a campaign to make the fans educated about the laws of Qatar. Customs and Laws of conservative counties should be taken into consideration before going to a foreign land.FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022

Qatar has few criminal laws that can affect the fans from Israel. Homosexuality and alcohol consumption is considered a crime in Qatar and many Arabian countries. The drugs are also banned to be taken in the country. The UAE and Bahrain have had better relationships with Israel in the recent past, on the other hand, Qatar has a soft corner for the Palestinian people and their issues.FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022

The people have been told to hide the flags and other symbols which can help others to identify them in Qatar. The main concern for the Israeli authorities will be the presence of the Iranians in the tournament. They will be in the country to follow their national team and the number of them will be no less than the Israeli fans.

The personal security of Israeli nationals will be in their own hand at the FIFA tournament. Qatar has provided a free flow of tourists and football fans from Tel Aviv to Doha. Direct flights in number have been arranged for them. They can even travel without a foreign passport. The permission to travel will be the same for the Palestinians in the West Bank.FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022

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However, things are not that bad as Qatar has agreed to permit Israeli diplomats to provide services and support to Israelis During the FIFA World Cup. This will be done with the help of a private travel company. The number of fans who will attend the football is expected to be 19000 fans from Israel.

8000 Palestinian also have a visa to enter the country to attend the world cup.

LGBTQ fans are recommended to not reveal it to the public. As it is considered a crime in the country. The website of the foreign ministry warned people to not get drunk in the public domain of the country as it can be press criminal charges under the law of the land. The drinking will only be limited to designated areas.FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022

Fan zones and Hotels are designated areas to consume alcohol during the tournament.

The use of foul language and having any amount of drug is also under the category of prohibited items for the citizen of Israel. Accommodation help also will be provided to the citizen.

The Israelis expect to go things smoother during the world cup. It will help them in the future to normalize their relations with Doha.FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022

Fifa Qatar World Cup 2022 (1)
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There could be many challenges for the Qatari authorities to run the world cup in smother way, but they are trying hard to make it a successful event. The success of the event will push other Arabian countries to host other events on the scale. As countries are never considered hot spots for sports.

However, the football of Arabian countries is passionate about this world cup. Saudi Arabian win over Argentina fuels this passion to some other extent.FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022

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